Birds and Other Tails (German translation)
Published by Scotus Press, 2013.
Available for Kindle from:
Vögel und andere Geschichten
is a translation into German of Jack Harte's Birds and Other Tails by Heidi Zojer. It is now available from Scotus Press and Amazon Kindle.
Heidi Zojer studied at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, (Translation Studies (English and French) and at the University of Graz, Austria ('Daf' - Deutsch als Fremdsprache – German as a Foreign Language).
After finishing her studies, Heidi Zojer worked in different Universities in the UK (King's College, London, University of Wales, Lampeter, University of Birmingham). She has been working in UCD, Dublin since 2002. Her research focuses on literary translation studies, DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache)-German as a Foreign Language, Language Acquisition and Language Learning.
Heidi Zojer studierte an der Universität in Innsbruck, (Übersetzungswissenschaft) und an der Universität Graz ('Daf' - Deutsch als Fremdsprache).
Nach dem Abschluss ihres Studiums arbeitete sie an verschiedenen Universitäten in GB (King's College, London, University of Wales, Lampeter, University of Birmingham). Seit 2002 arbeitet sie am UCD, Dublin, Irland. In ihrer Forschung befasst sie sich u.a. mit der Übersetzungswissenschaft, DaF und dem Fremdsprachenerwerb.
From the original reviews of Birds and Other Tails
He is like the old oral Gaelic storytellers who could improvise on any theme at will. Indeed much of the pleasure of the book is in the sheer sparkle of the writing. He bends language to his needs like a sculptor moulding clay….This is a book to open anywhere and savour at leisure. Jack Harte's is a wonderful refreshing voice in contemporary Irish writing
The stories, twenty in all, manifest a range of theme and style that never ceases to surprise and delight the reader…This is a thought provoking, compellingly readable book
'Bike' is a beautifully crafted piece of eccentricity … boy, do the pages turn
His conventional narrative is punctuated by single words or short sentences depicting turmoil or confusion, which are fired at the reader with almost Beckettian emphatic precision … an interesting collection
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